Autism Spectrum Disorder Services
Each person with an ASD has unique strengths and areas requiring supports. As a result, our programs are customized to better strengthen and support those needs using evidence based best practices.
Autism Resources
Resources for Families
A comprehensive list of resources to help families of children with autism, curated by a group of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other challenges.
Sesame Street Autism Resources for Parents
Reduce the Noise: Help Loved Ones with Sensory Overload Enjoy Shopping
Operation Autism for Military Families
Resources for the Home
Creating an Autism Friendly Home
Home Modifications for Kids with Sensory Concerns
Designing the Perfect Home Playroom for Children with Autism
Help your Autistic Child Learn at Home
Education Resources
Temple Grandin’s Teaching Tips
Accommodations for Students with Autism
Academic Accommodation Resources
Guide for Students with Autism
College Options for Students on The Autism Spectrum
Financial Resources
Estate Planning for Parents of Kids with Autism
How to Plan and Provide for a Child with Special Needs
Autism and Sleep
Helping Your Child with Autism Sleep
How Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Affects Sleep
Other Resources
Minnesota Department of Human Services
CDC Autism Links and Resources
Mental Illness vs. Autism
Planning a Move with Autism
Moving with Special Needs Kids
Is a Therapy Dog Right for your Child with Autism
27 Games & Activities for Kids with Autism
Utilizing Mobile Technology for Children with Autism
How to Talk to Someone on the Autism Spectrum
How Nurses Can Support Children with Autism During Medical Visits